I can remember too, in vivid detail, the moment when I saw my daughter for the first time. For nine months before that moment I had dreamed of seeing my baby for the first time ever. For many months before that moment I had thought about and imagined this baby, falling in love with my own creation of her in my mind. Always, I imagined a chubby cheeked, cute little cherub with bright sparkling, mischievous eyes and a pert, impertinent smile. The baby that the doctor brought to me was nothing like that. Eyes tightly shut, fists clenched, a facial expression of immense displeasure at being hustled out into the world like that, taken away from the welcoming cocoon of the womb that she was hitherto accustomed to, my daughter was as far from the mental impression I had had of her as a real, newborn baby is from a touched up, photo shopped Anne Geddes model baby. And yet, at that moment, there was nothing more beautiful to me than the sight of my newborn baby girl and all I wanted to do was revel in her innocent beauty.
When I urge my mind into the past I remember some of the images of everlasting beauty that have stayed with me. My grandmother, with her silver hair and her warm, grey-blue eyes will always be one of the most beautiful women to me. I remember one of my friends in school being slightly disappointed when she first met my grandma. Having heard countless tales of her ‘beauty’ from me in the past she had probably expected to see someone along the lines of Maharani Gayatri Devi when she first came over to meet her and I think she was a little let down with the frail, slightly stooping old lady she met instead. But if she had seen my grandma through my eyes she would have understood what real beauty means to me. To me that very same frail old lady was beauty personified. I saw beauty in those loving grey-blue eyes that had waited eagerly for me to come back home from school every day since the very first day I started going to school, in the smile that lit up her face as I’d turn the corner on the last stretch of the path that led up to our doorway, in the wrinkled hands with which she would insist on feeding me herself, in that tinkling laughter and soft voice that never failed to enquire after my day, even many years later when I’d started working and she probably couldn’t understand exactly what it was that I did, and in that silver hair that I had loved playing with as a child and that had born testimony to years of loving and nurturing her children and then their children after them.
There are other little vignettes that flash through my mind when I think of what beauty really means to me. A face in the crowd that captures my eye and, oftentimes my imagination, that is beautiful in that moment, because of those shining eyes or that serene smile, reflecting an inner spirit and contentment that no cosmetic makeover could ever hope to achieve. Sometimes it is a beauty that reflects character and resolve, sometimes a quiet contentment, sometimes it is just a moment of pure joy. Real beauty then, is something very personal, unique to each of us and our perceptions of it, slightly elusive and a little indefinable, and all the more beautiful because it is so!
Quite honestly I don’t understand the whole brouhaha over looking good, to feel good, especially when that looking good entails confirming to certain norms and predefined standards. And that’s probably why I’ll never colour my hair or get it artificially straightened, because I’d never feel beautiful if I do. But I do know that I will find beauty in the silver of my hair, a beautiful, visual reflection of a life that’s been hopefully well lived. I find it a little hard sometimes to express or even fully understand the reasons behind those occasions when I feel beautiful. It could be after a great workout, or after a great head massage, when I feel beautiful even though my hair is dripping with oil! Maybe it’s the feeling of well being that comes from within, the feeling of caring for myself that makes me feel beautiful at these times.
Someday I want to sit my daughter down and try and tell her, as best as I can, what real beauty should mean. It shouldn’t be about fitting in or standing out. It shouldn’t be about short skirts or long legs or poker straight hair. And it shouldn’t matter what everyone else thinks it is. But it should be something that has meaning to you and resonates with you. It should feel right. And it should come from within. And as long as it does, it will be real.
This is my entry for the 'What does real beauty mean to you?' contest on IndiBlogger. Read more about real beauty at http://realbeauty.yahoo.com/ Aaaaand vote for me, do, here.

Loved this post :) Poignant and well written and with your trademark touch of humor(sack of wet potatoes?LOL).
I have to say I agree with your thoughts too. For me also real beauty comes from within and that's the beauty that will stay forever.
All your thoughts were as beautiful as your post, Manasi. And I feel you dont have to neccessarily sit with your daughter. As she grows seeing and imbibing your thougts, I am sure she ought to grow beautifully :)
Good wishes for the contest!
Vandana...Thanks :)
Nandhini....Thanks very much! I didn't mean sitting down with her literally, it was my way of saying that I will make a concerted effort to communicate with her about this, so that her perception of beauty is not boxed in with stereotypes and norms.
Hi there! Here's another reason for you to feel beautiful - when your writing makes someone smile. Enjoyed your piece. Long time since I dropped in, but glad that I did!
Veena...Thanks very much! That did make me feel like a million bucks :)
Amen. To feeling the most beautiful when your loved one tells you he loves you. And the beauty of grandmothers. I so want to take the next flight and melt in my grandmother's arms!
BTW, how do I vote? By 'promoting' or 'liking' the post? Can you tell I'm technologically challenged?
I wish I lived closer to my grandparents too. Feel blessed that Nikki has got a chance to spend time with them.
From one technologically challenged person to another :)I think the votes are through promoting the post, but you can promote a post only if you have a blog and are signed up with IndiBlogger. If not, you can 'like' the post on FB.
A very beautifully written post! I love your style of writing :)
I saw your comment on my blog and came looking for you, and I am glad I did! I really like your post and share your idea of beauty. Though, you might not quite be able to "sit your daughter down" - I ahve an 8-year-old - and what works is the classic writing adage: show, don't tell :)
Hey Manasi, very sweet post and I am sure Nikki will grow up to be a very beautiful girl with her parents' and grandparents' love and attention. For now, all the best for the contest, and I will put a vote for you straight away :)
Manreet...Thank you, and that is sound advice indeed, getting my two year old hurricane to sit still even for a nano second is quite a task!
Neeraj...Hi there and thanks very much!
Beautiful post Manasi. I do agree. I always feel GREAT, and have a bounce in my step after a good workout, and especially if I end it with a healthy salad.
And you know, I did feel Beautiful on my wedding day, but it wasn't because of the saree or glitter or the perfectly painted face ;). When I entered the wedding hall, my hubby whispered to me, "You look Beautiful!" That made my Day!!
Beautiful post Manasi. I do agree. I always feel GREAT, and have a bounce in my step after a good workout, and especially if I end it with a healthy salad.
And you know, I did feel Beautiful on my wedding day, but it wasn't because of the saree or glitter or the perfectly painted face ;). When I entered the wedding hall, my hubby whispered to me, "You look Beautiful!" That made my Day!!
Very beautiful post :) Loved your concept of beauty!! Could so relate to the beautiful granma :)
Best wishes for the contest.
Priyanka...Thanks! That bit about your wedding sounded very romantic:) And yeah workouts are great for upping the feel good factor, now if only I could stop myself from stuffing my face with something calorie laden right after:(
Priya...Thanks Priya! There's this indefinable thing about grandma's isn't there?
Beautifully written.. If I ever have a daughter, we will sit them down together :)
Supreet... Sounds like a plan :)
And this is a beautiful post Manasi!
Fwding this to the kid sis (a very beautiful person) who happens to be your namesake :)
Choxbox...Thanks a lot Choxbox :) I hope Manasi likes it too :)
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