Thursday, June 3, 2010

Conversations with my daughter

Its a pleasant evening and Nikki and The Mommy Woman are out for their evening stroll. As they saunter around in the park, they run into the unfriendly neighborhood Grumpy Grandpa. Nikki fixes Grumpy Gramps with an interested eye. The mellow evening sunlight bounces off Grumpy Gramps shiny, bald pate. Nikki leans out of her pram and gives Grumpy Gramps a friendly wave. Grumpy Gramps, true to his nature, ignores Nikki and tries to walk past.
Nikki: Tak-loo!
GG (glaring at The Mommy Woman!): Cough! Splutter!...
Nikki, in a louder voice, pointing at Grumpy Gramps: TAK-LOOO!
The bright red human tomato, earlier known as The Mommy Woman, wheels the pram away at top speed, mumbling incoherent, apologetic sounding somethings under her breath.


The Mommy Woman, overcome with love for her only child, envelops Nikki in a bear hug and plants a big kiss on her face.
Nikki, looking thoroughly disgusted and shoving The Mommy Woman away with an indignant look: MIND IT!!! ( pronounced Mann-dayyy!!! in Nikki- speak)


Nikki's evening snack is finally ready. The Mommy Woman is feeling rather chuffed with her own concoction of bananas, soy milk and litchis and can't wait for Nikki to sample the stuff.
The Mommy Woman: Nikki! Something yummy for your tummy! Your smoothie is rrrrreaddy!
Nikki(looking supremely disinterested): Ohhh maaaan!!


The Papa Man: Nikki, I LOVE you!
Nikki: Aaa WUV ooo!
The Mommy Woman, jealously hovering around: Nikki, I LOVE you!
Nikki: YAWN!


Its a busy evening in a crowded suburban shopping mall. Nikki, The Papa Man and The Mommy Woman are shopping and hanging out. Nikki is looking particularly cute in a pink Tokyo Baby t-shirt and corduroys and is attracting a lot of attention from passers-by, especially young college girls who are thronging the place in hordes.
A group of hot, young college girls: Awwww SO cute!
Nikki, with a shy smile: Hi!
Hot, young college girls: SCREECH! She spoke to me! She said Hi! Awww I wanna KISS her!
Nikki: Kisssssssssssss 
Hot, young college girls surround Nikki and the fortunate Papa Man who's holding her and take turns hugging and kissing Nikki. Five minutes later...
The Papa Man, with a blissful smile: We should go shopping with Nikki more often!
The Mommy Woman: Hmph!


The Mommy Woman, back after a much needed trip to the salon, is overcome with separation anxiety at having left Nikki behind for TWO WHOLE HOURS.
The Mommy Woman: Nikki! Mommy is BACK!
Nikki and The Papa Man, looking up from a mess involving crayons and a copy of The Mommy Woman's latest copy of Mother & Baby: AIYYO!

Footnote: Nikki's conversational skills training and enriched vocabulary courtesy The Papa Man.


Unknown said...

haha. loved all the scenes.. the takloo part can get really sticky!
nikki is growing up too soon.

Piper .. said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I could go on and on reading Nikki tales!! :):):):)
One of the bestest posts I`ve read in a while! :):)
The best one was 'Takloo'!!!!! hahahahaha I`m laughing so loud, the guy next to me at the coffee shop is giving me weird looks!!
Lots of hugs to the lil one!

Momo's Ma said...

nikki is too cool. knows what to do and say at the right time. hugs to the little doll :)

Hello Mommyhood said...

MM...Oh yes, grumpy Gramps has been shooting visual daggers at me ever since that day!

Piper...Glad you liked it :) Can't say the same for grumpy Gramps tho, he's also been giving me weird looks and you know why!

Momo's Ma...Its all thanks to The Papa Man, he's the one who puts her up to it. Hmph!

Doorva Bahuguna said...

Newmum.... is there an email id I can get in touch with you at?

MRC said...

LOL!! Would send hugs and kisses her way, but I can just picture her wriggling in your arms as you try to give them to her ;)
And these Papa men! I guess one does have to give them the benefit of doubt when young girls just stop to koochie with the half portions.

Hello Mommyhood said...

Doorva Bahuguna...I've mailed you.

MRC...Oh yes, the kisses and hugs are a thing of the past :( And don't you give those Papa Men any benefit of doubt, its all a giant conspiracy I tell you!

Poonam J said...

Loved the post... remember the times when my lil son, announced loudly in the U.S.A.......Kitni kaali hai...and we thanked our stars he didnot speak english and their simple world...interesting

Hello Mommyhood said...

Poonam...LOL :) what did he say after he started speaking English? My 4 year old nephew has recently taken to calling random strangers 'nincompoop'! Its a new word he's learned and he wants to use it all the time! :D

Anonymous said...

just love this post... makes me laugh out loud every time i read it :) lots of hugs to nikki for spreading cheer around at the expense of embarrassing u :)